Movie No. 44 (2015): ICE POISON

Ice Poison (2014)
Director: Midi Z
Cast: Wang Shih-Hong, Wu Ke-Xi
In Chinese, with English subtitles

That the film is made on a tight budget is conspicuous. However, this meager budget proves that it can't be an obstacle to come up with decent output. The film is set in Lashio, a remote agricultural town in Burma that is known have large population of Chinese descent and farmland for vegetables and opium poppies.

The film shows how harsh economic and social realities force two people, both bored and wanting to earn, sell crystal meth. This is effectively etched in the narrative. I notice several instances of long takes with the camera placed not too close to the characters. Some might probably suggest editing some of these scenes. But for me, that cinematographic technique makes me feel I'm only a few feet away from the characters as I observe them and listen to their conversations. These long takes also make me know the characters very well. 

The film is simple but it is so involving that it's impact is strong and universal. 

Rating: 3.5/4.0

Date seen: August 21, 2015


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