Movie No. 70 (2015): EX_MACHINA

Ex_Machina (2015)
Director: Alex Garland
Cast: Oscar Isaac, Alicia, Vikander, Domhnall Gleeson, Sonoya, Mizuno

Caleb, a programmer at a giant internet-search company, wins an internal competition whose prize is a week stay  in the secluded estate of the the company's reclusive CEO, Nathan Bateman. But, as soon as he arrives in the estate, Caleb learns from Nathan that he will be the human component of a Turing test on Ava (Nathan's current A.I. project); he's charged of evaluating the capabilities and consciousness of Ava through seven interactive sessions. 

This is a science fiction movie, hence, special effects are inevitable. I'm always critical of movies that are merely showcase of latest advancements and ideas in special effects, sacrificing the narrative along the way. But, Ex_Machina, in my opinion, uses special effects when and where they are needed to enhance the narrative. The movie cares about character study and examination of "humanity" or almost lack of it in the midst of a scientific and technological breakthrough. It can be cerebral, which is among the beauties of the movie. The "thriller" effect of the movie, while subtle, is enduring. On another level, it can be disturbing, but intelligent.

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: December 24, 2015


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