Movie No. 17 (2017): HACKSAW RIDGE

Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Director: Mel Gibson
Cast: Andrew Garfield, Vince Vaughn, Hugo Weaving, Sam Worthington

A lot of movies about war, particularly World War II, have been made. However, only a few show the humanizing experience of the soldiers who fought from both sides. Hacksaw Ridge is successful in this aspect. In addition, it highlights the heroic act of one person that refuses to carry arms as he serves his country in the war.

Andrew Garfield delivers a sympathetic performance. It's easy to see and feel the character Desmond Doss in him. Direction is outstanding; the battle scenes are exquisitely choreographed and photographed. Gore is everywhere. I think that's necessary.

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: February 19, 2017


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