Movie No. 35 (2017): THE SECOND MOTHER

The Second Mother (aka Que Horas Ela Volta?) (2016)
Director: Anna Muylaert
Cast: Camila Mardila, Regina Case, Michel Joelsas
In Portuguese, with English subtitles

Val, who has been working as nanny for an affluent family in Sao Paolo more than a dozen years, is financially stable. The family she serves treats her well. However, she has daughter that she left under the care of her relatives in northern Brazil. Now, her daughter wants to live with her in Sao Paolo as she is entering college. The conflict begins when the daughter arrives in Sao Paolo and temporarily lives with her in the house of Val's employers while awaiting for the college entrance examination. 

The movie is a simple narrative that examines the dynamics of a different kind of mother-daughter relationship and its effects on people in their immediate circle. There's also this metaphoric commentary on social classes in modern Brazil. Regina Case is outstanding as Val.

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: May 14, 2017


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