Movie No. 9 (2018): LOVING VINCENT

Loving Vincent (2017)
Director: Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman
Cast: Douglas Booth, Jerome Flynn, Robert Gulaczyk, Saoirse Ronan, Eleanor Tomlison, Aidan Turner

Loving Vincent, a painted animated film, is first of its kind. It assembles paintings of Vincent van Gogh, as reproduced by several artists, to weave a story surrounding the mysterious death of Vincent van Gogh. Seeing the film, is like being in a gallery full of van Gogh's paintings, arranged to tell a narrative. The characters of the movie are real people whose portraits were among van Gogh's still surviving works. These people have their own take on the life and mysterious death of the tortured artist.

The film is one of the most visually stunning films I've ever seen. The visuals are so captivating that the film's flaws, if there are, are easily eclipsed by its stunning beauty like none I've ever seen before. 

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: February 10, 2018


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