Movie No. 27 (2018): A QUIET PLACE

A Quiet Place (2018)
Director: Jan Krasinski
Cast: Emily Blunt, Jan Krasinski

As a horror movie, A Quiet Place is solid and intense. It's different and the narrative is quite original. The opening scene is meticulously crafted to establish the premise. The movie is about sound or the absence of it or the fear of it. Sound or the absence of it is the center of the narrative. 

The movie is also a family movie, a coming of age movie, or even a love story. The idea about the role of sound or the absence of it makes the movie a science fiction movie, too.

As a horror movie, it is a major achievement. The audience are scared not because the movie tells them to be scared on cue. The audience are scared because they feel they're part of the movie. That's how the movie is. It sucks you into its narrative. 

By the way, the presence of Emily Blunt in the movie makes the movie even much better. I can't imagine putting any lesser actress into the movie and still achieve the same impact as this.

This will surely make the list of the greatest horror movies ever made.

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: April 23, 2018


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